Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Father's Day

It is a delight above all delights to see one's children turn out-as ours have done-all that the heart covets in children; and my delight is so full that I sometimes fancy my heart will have to burst for its own relief.-HENRY JAMES, SR.

Sweet is the harp of prophecy; too sweet
Not to be wronged by a mere mortal touch

The Task and Other Poems
William Cowper

Two years ago, my pastor friend sent me a text message like this “Happy Father’s to you next year”. I am not a mystic person but I considered his word as prophetic. And four months after I got that message, Jing got pregnant. It took three years before the stork visited us. I’ve even received a Father’s Day present a month before Hannah was born. Today, I can officially celebrate Father’s Day. It is sweet and encouraging.

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